EUROPE DIRECT Azores is a member of the Europe Direct network in Portugal, which in turn is part of a Europe-wide community of centers. The centers make Europe accessible to people and engage them in discussions about the future of the EU. The network is managed by the European Commission.
O EUROPE DIRECT Açores é membro da rede Europe Direct em Portugal, a qual, por sua vez, faz parte de uma comunidade de centros à escala europeia. Os centros tornam a Europa acessível às pessoas e levam-nas a participar em debates sobre o futuro da UE. A rede é gerida pela Comissão Europeia.

Europe Direct Madeira is a organism of the European Commission, under the supervision of the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal, whose main objective is to provide information, provide clarification and promote debate through the organization of events and initiatives for all audiences in accordance with the communication priorities defined in the European Commission.

The EUROPE DIRECT CANARIAS information point (attached to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Employment of the Government of the Canary Islands since May 2005) is a member of the Europe Direct network in Spain, which in turn is part of a family of centers in Europe. The centers make Europe accessible to people in their country and region and enable them to participate in debates on the future of the EU. The network is managed by the European Commission. You can contact the center to ask us any questions about EU policies, programs and priorities, and you can also take part in events on the future of the EU. CALL FOR PROPOSALS, SELECTION OF PARTNERS TO CARRY OUT EUROPE DIRECT ACTIVITIES… We also go to schools, where we give presentations and organize debates on the European Union, and where we bring official publications. All our services are free of charge for citizens who request them.